On her entry into the classical music world…
When I finished high school, I wanted to be a jazz singer. I auditioned for the Queensland Conservatorium for both the jazz program and the classical program and I got in to both programs. I was then faced with the hardest decision of my life, but I chose classical and I’ve never looked back!
On returning to Australia…
I definitely miss Australia. This is the first time I’ve sung opera professionally in Australia, and it’s good to be here. It’s interesting to see how differently people work - there’s that easy-going nature that people talk about and I can definitely feel it. There’s no pretence, but maybe that’s a Pinchgut thing! It feels good to be home.
On working on Ulysses…
It’s a really lovely cast and crew, a really nice bunch of people. Chas’ idea for the show is that it’s an ensemble piece, so we're all involved in the show all the time. In Monteverdi’s music there’s not as many solo arias - there are characters on stage all the time and it’s more text driven, which means there’s a more ensemble atmosphere.
Lauren was recently accepted into Les Arts Florissants prestigious young artists program…
Le Jardin des Voix is the young artists program and it’s unique in that you’re not there the whole time - it's more freelance. This is the first year they’ve done a full opera rather than excerpts and it’s a little bit different because they’re doing Mozart, rather than earlier work as is usually the case.
I auditioned about a year ago for that in London, and it was a long process. Luckily, it went well and I start in August. I’ve heard from friends who’ve done it that it’s really good and should be fun. We rehearse in France, and then perform at a festival in Thiré and then tour around Europe and to Hong Kong. Hopefully, this leads to greater things!
On the similarities between Pinchgut and Les Arts Florissants…
Les Arts Florissants built a niche- they were the first ensemble to work with early French repertoire, and now Pinchgut has built that niche in Australia. Everyone I’ve spoken to in the early music world overseas recognises and knows Pinchgut- it definitely says a lot about the reputation of Pinchgut not only in Australia but internationally.
On coming full-circle…
I remember we would sometimes run little errands for my singing teacher, and once I was asked to pick up a Carla Zampatti blouse for her. Last week, I was gifted a Carla Zampatti dress after performing at a Pinchgut Soiree at Carla’s home. It was this really special moment where it felt as though I’d come full circle… and the dress is gorgeous!
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